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Egg-Shaped Beeswax Candles with Empty Eggshells


  • Thermometer optional
  • Double boiler or slow cooker dedicated for beeswax
  • Sewing needle
  • Skewers or chopsticks



  • Prepare the egg shells: Make a small hole at the pointy end (top) of the egg. The hole needs to be large enough for the wick to pass through. On the opposite end of the egg make a bigger hole, about the size of a pea. Empty out the contents of the egg into a bowl by blowing out the egg. Then rinse the inside of the egg with warm water and let the egg dry.
  • Melt the beeswax: Melt the beeswax pellets in a double boiler, designated crockpot or very carefully on an electric stove top until fully melted. The optimal melted beeswax temperature for pouring candles is between 68 to 70°C (155 to 158°F). Beware: Beeswax can ignite at high temperatures!
  • Cut and prime the wick: Cut the wick into length of 10 to 12 cm (4 to 5 in) long. Place the wicks into the melted beeswax for a couple minutes. Remove the wick and place it straight on a piece of cardboard or wax paper to stiffen.
  • Insert the wicks: Pass a primed wick through the holes of the eggshell. Leave the wick poking out about 2 cm (1/2 inch) from the top of the egg and about 5 cm (2 inches) from the bottom.
  • Plug the top of the egg: Using a bit of plasticine, play dough or clay to plug the top of the egg. This will help prevent the wax from pouring out and keep the wick straight.
  • Make a mini funnel: Using some thicker paper or thin cardboard and tape, make a mini-funnel that will fit into the bigger hole on the bottom of the egg.
  • Pour the wax: Pour the melted beeswax into the larger hole of the egg. A large egg will take about 4 Tablespoons to be filled. Use skewers or chopsticks to support the wick if needed.
  • Top up the wax: Beeswax shrinks when cooled so you may need to top up the wax.
  • Cool and cure the candle: Let the beeswax cool and harden for at least a few hours in a warm spot. Once the beeswax has hardened carefully peel the egg shell off. Trim the wick. The candle can be used right away but it’ll burn even better if it’s left to cure for about a week.
  • Flatten the bottom of the candle (optional): To flatten the bottom of the candle, cover a frying pan with aluminum foil and set on the stovetop on low heat. Carefully rub the bottom of the candle over the warm surface to melt the bottom flat.